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Fear, Cutbacks, and WEBINARS!

#AskAway 11/17/19: Fear, Cutbacks, and WEBINARS! Questions from runners, answers from @slowtwitchprose and @coachmkfleming

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  • #Weekly Win! I'm surer proud of myself for last week's act of self care. Even though I'm insanely stressed out about getting all my work done before I have surgery this Friday, I took time out of my work day to see the therapist my doctors' office has on staff. I'm so thankful that she is available to patients and that the doctors understand the importance of having access to mental health help while going through cancer treatment.

ReBUILD (10:00 mark)

  • Is a turkey trot a bad idea? I could really use the excuse to be by myself before what is probably going to be a long day with my in laws. And if I end up needing a “fuck it” moment to just go, are there any boundaries I need to consider? My local turkey trot is 4miles. And I’m not recovering from injury.

  • I’ve been struggling with wanting to do the workouts this past week. Is it the time change? The cold rainy weather? I skipped the Monday and Friday runs and walked Saturday’s long run. Am I still okay? Reassurance, validation and your perspective is appreciated. ❤️

  • How do you get past the fear of failure and disappointment to sign up for a race again? Not to mention the anger over wasted race fees in 2019. I want to sign up for 3 days at the fair but $100 is a lot of money to throw at the wall hoping I can make it stick with enough time in Rebuild. I don’t want to race, I just want to feel like I can run successfully.

  • Hi! I joined Rebuild about 6 weeks ago, not because I've had an injury or a break from running, but because I am brand new to heart rate training, and I realized that even though I've been running 5 days a week consistently since coming back from having my baby, I never really slowed down enough to build my aerobic base. I signed up for a half on November 24th before I signed up for this program, so I've been doing rebuild lane 2 and a progressively longer long run on the weekends (I did 2 1/2 hours last Sunday). I feel really good, and have gotten much better at keeping my heart rate at or below 140. My question is, how do I approach pacing with heart rate when I run my half next week? Are there certain heart rates I should aim for at different parts of the race, or a cap I should keep for part of it? I'm not going for a PR or time goal, but I think I can run faster than my 140 pace?

MAINTAIN (35:00)

Race shoutouts!

  • Kristina Kew, Brown County Indiana Hilly Half! The half was ok, definitely not my best but considering I started antibiotics on Wednesday, dealt with lice, woke up today at 5am for a race that started at 9 (which is not my normal, I almost always run within 30-40 minutes of getting up) and it was HILLY I think I got what I needed. The park is beautiful, the weather was a little cold but not frigid and I successfully implemented the plan I started with.

  • Amy Sczerbowicz, 5K trail turkey trot! Excellent race! 38ish minutes, 12:05 avg pace. The best part was I ran by feel, started slow, picked up the speed, even ran the hills and felt GOOD.

  • Amanda O’Briant - TRAIL MARATHON!!! OMG! I ran a trail marathon today! I felt really good! As good as anyone can feel for 20 miles and then I started a new strategy of All The Mantras and loving kindness meditations . I wished all beings with tired legs and feet —including myself—to be free of suffering. Over and over again. And it really helped. I also feel like this training program rocked—and I definitely worked it to fit my life. I wasn’t perfect. I let that perfect BS effing go and did my tenacious damn best and it was good ENOUGH for 26.2 of gorgeous trail on a gorgeous day. I am super grateful.

WE ARE SOOOOO PROUD OF YOU GUYS! Remember, at Fitness Protection, the focus is on year-round consistency. That's why we give our training plans away for free to subscribers!

Now, the Questions!

  1. Will the planning webinar be open to the public or just for members?

  2. 75 min EE long run today. Only 7 days to race day! The closer I get, the more terrified I get! My longest long run was 13.3ish miles, how will I double that??? Someone please talk me off the ledge!!!

  3. Hi Coaches! A couple of questions. I know this has been answered before but I forget how many weeks from the marathon are we supposed to stop doing strength? Second question is that I will have the second 20 miler on my schedule for next week’s long run. I know from doing the first one that it was really hard for me to recover from. I’m thinking I should do less than 20. Opinions on that? Thank you!

  4. I feel like I am flirting with the onset of Plantar Fasciitis. Seeing a PT is not an option right now because my co pay is $80 a visit with my health insurance. Its just not in the budget right now. I am experiencing some soreness in the arches of my feet close to the heel. I am being more diligent with foam rolling to keep the soreness at bay. Are there any other exercises I should be doing to prevent this from getting worse?


  6. I am planning to coach my local 10k and Half Marathon teams this year. How do I balance that with my own training plan and not over do it?

  7. This may have already been covered somewhere, but if so, I missed it ... if I want to run a 5k turkey trot on Thanksgiving, how would I adjust the day(s) before?

  8. I have a question: I’m thinking about doing a 6 hour bout at 3DATF. My first and only marathon took me 6 hours, and I figure signing up for 6 hours is a low-pressure way for me to repeat this feat (or maybe more, or maybe less) in a way that will feel like winning no matter what. I’m in Maintain. Should I just do a marathon ramp for this? Do you think I have a good plan? My goal was to do a marathon, but I also have feelings about my marathon time that I haven’t quite processed all the way and was hoping this might be a good way to train for something big (which I WANT to do) without all the “should” things and secret goals.

MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC and Sarah Axelrod leads Fitness Protection's #CoachedandLoved Community. The coaches livestream question and answer sessions each week on the Fitness Protection Program Facebook Page, The Fitness Protection Program YouTube Channel, and Twitch, simultaneously. Join us! They are a lot of fun, super informative, and anyone may ask follow-up questions during the live broadcast!

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