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Fitness Protection Roundup, 9/8/19: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ROS!!!!!

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

Princess Moana aka "Rosalind" had an outdoor birthday party this week at the playground in spite of cold temps and rain! You can push like a boss, but never like a ROS! :)


FREE DOCUMENTS: click the links in the TOP of this blog post. Behind on our new pdfs? Click the links in the "Downloads" section, here!

Who is our runner of the week? CHECK THE NEWSLETTERS TO FIND OUT! Or, you can click here. SURPRISE!

New Nuzzel HERE

That photo above is a screenshot from a Ros-Daily-Strength-Livesteam Bomb, the BEST reason to join ReBuild. She keeps us all entertained during our 3 minutes of torture. Seriously, she is HILARIOUS!!! I tune in live when I can, and watch the videos at night when I need a big laugh. You are the breakout star of Fitness Protection, Ros!!!

NOW for your Nuzzel Outtakes!



You worry about the wrong aspects of the workout:

Caster Semenya is controversial, and Dear White Women breaks down why on their podcast:

Don't worry, she is FAR from done, and I'm going to start watching soccer now:

Body Image and Fatphobia

Thinner and lighter just don’t matter.

As Seen On Our FB Pages

TEAMS MATTER! Thank you for being on OURS!

Eating well on the road is HARD

Pro Running

Even if he was trying to be funny, it’s not ok to punch down.

This was, and still is, A BIG FLIPPIN’ DEAL

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this interview with Jenny Simpson!

Olympic Schedule SET! Will you be watching???

This just SUCKS

World 50k Champion!

Proletariat Running

Obsession is lauded in America, but it isn't categorically healthy. I like the open-ended nature of this.

Trail Running

" Sometimes it seems that the more I run, the less I write—both pursuits require muscle, and muscle requires consistent exercise to maintain; there are only so many hours in the day, and for the past three years, I’ve given running most of the free ones. This can feel like an acceptable (temporary) tradeoff until moments like this when I have a thousand things I want to say, and no idea how to begin putting them into words. The blank page, like the opening of an ultra, can exhilarate and terrify me in the same breath. "

" Before the race, I’d avoided thinking about it because I wanted to staunch the fear and manage the stress. But during the race,I had unknowingly slipped into a place of “just not thinking about it.” I was engaged strategically: my mind visited all kinds of places, but never the place of projection, expectation and suffering. Will I plan a little better next time? Sure, but there is also something to be said to leaving some things unknown. You can only plan so much—the rest you just have to face when you get there.

This is what’s so great about long ultras: to get through them, you have to figure out how to get through them. You may follow a marked course, but the journey is the one you create for yourself, the true challenge, navigating the landscape of of your heart and mind. And if you’re very lucky, and have the support of friends and loved ones, you can simply move, soaking in the experience, from one aid station to the next."

Nothing To Do With Running

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