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“A champion is someone who is willing to be uncomfortable.”
Quote number two.
“In the absence of feedback, people will fill in the blanks with the negative.”
Both quotes are attributed to Pat Head Summitt. This is Coach MK and this is The Morning Mantra, a microdose of MK to get you through your day.
Today’s mantra: “I am a champion.”
It’s difficult to overstate the importance of Pat Head Summitt, legendary women’s basketball coach, to any girl who grew up in the great state of Tennessee. Even if you didn’t like basketball, you’d drop what you were doing to watch her on the court. The word of Pat was as good as the word of God as far as we were concerned. I prayed every night that I would grow up to be talented enough to play for her, or at least tall enough to warrant consideration.
Jesus loved everybody, but only a chosen few could play for Pat. Pat Summitt died in June 2016. Our paths never crossed in her tragically short lifetime. Her legacy lives on in the wisdom she imparted to her players and coworkers.
“It took me years to realize that she didn’t care about players proving it to her, she cared about players proving it to themselves.” This quote was attributed to her assistant coach, Holly Warlick.
Running more slowly than you want to go in any given moment is the hardest thing a runner will ever do, and by training with me, you will be uncomfortable a lot. It is disorienting and scary, for sure. And maybe you haven’t proved it to yourself yet, but rest assured, you are a champion.
Coach Summitt said so. And the word of Pat is as good as the word of God, as far as this Tennessee girl is concerned. You are a champion.
You are coached. You are loved. And you are winning at life.
Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC where she coaches all kinds of runners for $30 per month and gives marathon plans away for free. Click here to download her Marathon Selection Guide!