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Lighten Up! New Year's: The Permission Edition

Subscribe to Running Life, the official podcast of The Fitness Protection Program on Apple Podcasts, Castbox, or your favorite podcast player and get more racing and training tips from the coaches!

Diet Culture brings fear and dysfunction to the house long before our families show up. In this series, a therapist and an elementary school nutritionist will offer tips and tools to enlighten us, so we can, "Lighten Up" without *actually* setting things on fire. We can't make the world safer, but we can #reclaimourtime when it's time to celebrate with food...and family.

On this edition of Lighten Up!, it's all about permission. We bring in The Big Guns, Jummy Olawale and Dalia Kinsey, to talk about the thoughts that have been going through our heads since Romjul and take stock of how we're going to translate our ROARS into MOARS. Jummy and Dalia both have permission slips to hand out, both to the clients they work with and to themselves. While Dalia is dancing to Lizzo in her office, Jummy is encouraging her clients to dance for themselves and not for others. You may remember Jummy's Thanksgiving permission slip to all Fitness Protection listeners - get your turkey at Boston Market! - this time she reminds you to cater your OWN buffet as well as everyone else's.

In this episode, you will be invited to reflect on what is in your life, leaving aside for the moment what could be. You will be encouraged to look for what is good and beautiful in that, and to ask yourself what you can do right now and today and in your next meal that will support you in what you love doing. Care for yourself the way you would a child that you love. We give you FULL permission. If you need a little help getting started, treat yourself to Dalia's self-love playlist on Spotify and remember how coached and loved you are!

Don't forget to click on the bonus materials from this episode and download the FPP permission slip so you can fill it out like Jummy and Dalia did, below! Decide what you want MOAR of this year, write it down, and put it somewhere prominent where you can look at it every day. SHOW AND SHARE on Facebook and Instagram - we want to know what YOU are giving yourself permission to do this year!

Dalia Kinsey is The School Nutrition Dietitian utilizing a background in public health and school nutrition in preventative health care. Her writing on New Year's Resolutions was recently featured on Medium, and she has a podcast series going on this month about cultivating positivity and health at every size. Jummy Olawale is a Gottman Method Therapist; she helps couples rebuild healthy, shame-free relationships by re-framing difficult conversations. I’m hoping that today’s roundtable discussion can help us recognize the messages we are REALLY sending everyone around us so we can lead the way in helping them develop healthy relationships with food...and with us.


MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC and Sarah Axelrod leads Fitness Protection's #CoachedandLoved Community. Try our accessible, affordable monthly running plans at!

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