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Nuzzel Outtakes, 3/2/19

Writer's picture: coachmkcoachmk

I read. Like, a LOT. Like, A LOT a lot. Anything that excites me, I save to my weekly Nuzzel newsletter, then agonize over which to keep and which to cut since Nuzzel only limits me to 10 articles. Just because I couldn't fit it in doesn't mean it isn't worth reading!

I've been thinking about you all week and hope you enjoy the newsletter as much as I enjoy creating it! If you want a little MOAR, the outtakes are below!


Coach MK


On Injury

How a dead battery in a headlamp and one small rock led to the first significant injury of Karnazes' inspiring running career.

An elite runner goes DEEP, reflecting on her training cycle up to the point it ended in injury. If you are hurt or hurting this may resonate.

On Nutrition

I had two good elite nutrition articles this week, so I went with the "not from RW" one because I figure most of you guys see RW so I like to give other outlets, especially pro and elite athlete blogs, the spotlight whenever possible.

It's important to discuss diet, so I'm careful to do it...but I realize many of my runners run for health so I think it's important to continue these conversations so we have a better grasp of when 'better' becomes 'distorted' or then 'disordered'. Ultimately, I cut this one because she isn't a name you'd recognize, and I'm not sure the folks who need to read these articles are opting in.

Inspiration Meet double below-the-knee amputee, AJ Digby. who has flourished in DIII track and field, overcoming his disability to win championships and set records at Mount Union.

I hated cutting this....but you guys never click on the videos...

Thought-Provoking What makes these endurance athletes different from others who pursue similar challenges as part of a team, or while competing against fellow athletes? Are they simply made of tougher stuff?

Hong Kong calls for masters categories over 45.


This is a SERIOUS PROBLEM IN HONG KONG. It's why I quit trails altogether. Directors wouldn't publish routes ahead of time to prevent theft, and most of the trail system doesn't get good cell coverage much less GPS so if you can't read the map the directors would give you right before a race started, you could be screwed. Pulling down a marker or two is one thing, but planning your weekend around disrupting a niche sport is just sad AND PEOPLE DO THAT.

When I discuss marathons, specifically how the Boston Marathon wasn't a big deal in 1996 and how living in DC I only had 4 USATF certified marathon courses within a 3-hour drive of campus that year, people just stare at me. 1996 was a LONG TIME AGO, 22 years, but it's hard to remember what the running world was like before Gu (founded in 1994, went mainstream in 2011) and Garmins (2003; went mainstream in 2007). It's even harder to remember what ultrarunning was like, so I appreciate think pieces on the evolution of the sport.

Not Running But Cool

You don't have to read the article, just look at the photo!!!!

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