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Social Distancing, Running and #FreeLisa

#AskAway 3/22/20

Coach MK livestreams question and answer sessions each week on the Fitness Protection Program Facebook Page, The Fitness Protection Program YouTube Channel, and Twitch, simultaneously. Join us! They are a lot of fun, super informative, and anyone may ask follow-up questions during the live broadcast!

This week, we bring in THE BIG GUNS to address a unique question from a runner currently living in a country on lockdown...with the ex who just hadn't gotten around to moving out before the pandemic hit. Then, we start a virtual tour of the US, meeting changemakers working year-round to close accessibility gaps and learning how we can support them before finally, FINALLY talking about running.

In a time that is definitely not routine, it's fitting that this week's episode wouldn't be routine either! We will be checking in with #LockedInLisa each week until the ex leaves or the lockdown order lifts.

Running Life Podcast Coach MK Fleming Fitness Protection Program Social Distancing Quarantine Relationships

We interrupt our usual Sunday Night#AskAwaysession to address a viewer request that only The Big Guns can solve!

A runner sent in the question below:

"Coach MK, I need some advice from the Big Guns...I'm gonna need more than running right now.

I broke up with my boyfriend five months ago. It seemed like it would be OK for him to move out when the lease is up in the summer. Yes, this seems crazy in retrospect, but he is not the most proactive person on the planet, and I travel a lot for work and he looks after the cats so it worked for us. Plot twist: COVID-19. You guessed it, we are now in isolation together.

I am very lucky; he's a kind person, and I feel safe cohabitating with him. But FFS, the only reason living together worked post breakup (and, honestly, pre) is that he worked 150 miles away during the week. All the things that are annoying about him are NOT getting any less annoying, considering that we are now stuck together nearly 24/7.

How do I do this without going losing my f****** ****? Help!


Our guests pile on the wisdom, and we learn exactly why you'd rather sit on a couch with them instead of Coach MK!

Then, we start our Virtual Tour of the US, meeting the changemakers in different cities doing the hard work to close the accessibility gap year-round. Today's stop: Milwaukee, WI where we meet Tiff McDuffie of Purposeful Play and Emerald Mills of Diverse Dining.

Buy Tiffany's new children's book, Blurry Brown Eyes, HERE and support families who rely on Purposeful Play for childcare in the summer!

We finally get to running questions towards the end of the broadcast, but it was a fun ride to get here!

#Winning at Life

  • Happy birthday Katie Hansen!!!

  • Amy Wilson passed a wound care certification exam and is now an WCC CHRN

  • She celebrated with totwaffles. WAY TO GO AMY!

  • Erin - managed to avoid surgery with her poor dog’s bowel obstruction earlier this week but he’s not back to normal so they went on a hike before finishing up spring planting.

  • Nikkia made a fancy breakfast!


  • Can you talk a little about form. I know awhile ago you discussed and explained the hing at the hip but I've also heard we're supposed to keep the booty tucked to engage the glutes. Not sure how these can happen at the same time...

  • I’m finding myself being much more sedentary than usual since I’ve been working from home. Do you have any suggestions of ways to incorporate more movement into my day?

  • Can you talk a little about 'flexibility' in HR cap with all the stress etc of what's going on? I would suspect that there are days that a run at 150 is just what our minds/souls/bodies need. Training plan, HR cap etc be damned...especially as most of us don't have races coming up son anymore...

Click here to subscribe to our podcast, Running Life, and get more racing and training tips from the coaches!

Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC. Click HERE to download her most popular training plan, Tenacious AF, free!

Dalia Kinsey is The School Nutrition Dietitian utilizing a background in public health and school nutrition in preventative health care. Jummy Olawale is a Gottman Method Therapist; she helps couples rebuild healthy, shame-free relationships by re-framing difficult conversations.

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