Last email for today! YAY FOR BEING ABLE TO GET INTO MY OFFICE AGAIN! Renovations are *nearly* over....I hope! At least we have two working bathrooms now. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MEE!!
One date to put on your calendar: track night Wednesdays are coming back the week of January 29th! Can't wait to see everyone again!!!!
Back in December, I promised to send out a list of local (to Denver) races that I recommend. I wish I could give you a tweet-length response, but truth be told, this is tricky. Which ones you pick is really up to you, and how you should approach each one really depends on your expectations for the race day in the broader context of your training cycle. I will say this: the weather is hit-or-miss until May. If you want to set a PR, you might want to wait until summer at the very least, after the probability of race day being snowy has passed. (That is, unless your name is GERARD and snow is your superpower!)
I've picked a few (road!) races up to the half marathon distance that I like and a few that are popular with my clients and added links to registration below. If a race you like isn't on this list, that doesn't mean anything at all. These are just the ones that spring to mind.
You can find more complete lists of races here:
http://www.runcolo.com/colorado-race-calendar/ and here: http://runningintheusa.com/Race/List.aspx?Rank=Upcoming&State=CO&City=Denver&Page=1
Polar Bear 5k http://www.rundenverseries.com/polar-bear-5k
Frosty’s Frozen 5 and 10: http://www.coloradorunnerevents.com/Frosty/
25th: Cupid's Undie Run http://cupidsundierun.org/city/denver/
25th: Polar Plunge for Special Olympics: http://www.specialolympicsco.org/event/polar-plunge-presented-westerra-credit-union/
5: That Dam Half: http://www.rundenverseries.com/that-dam-131-5k
13: Runnin' of the Green https://www.rotg.org/
9: Platte River Half http://www.platteriverhalf.com/
15: Hippity Hop Easter Trot: http://www.featonthestreet.com/EventInformation.asp?eID=27139
23: Three Creeks http://www.racingunderground.com/threecreeks/
23: Cherry Creek Sneak: http://cherrycreeksneak.com/
6: Furry Scurry http://www.ddfl.org/events/
7: Colorado Marathon http://comarathon.com/
20-21: Colfax http://www.runcolfax.org/
29: Bolder Boulder http://www.bolderboulder.com/register/register-online/
11: Revel Rockies https://www.runrevel.com/rdv (BIG NOTE OF CAUTION: this is a brutal downhill course and you need to train accordingly)
12: Garden of the Gods http://gardentenmile.com/ (NOTE: this is hard, but beautiful!!!!)
17: Big Gay 5k https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-big-gay-5k-denver-registration-30225298682?aff=erelexpmlt
24: Slacker 4M and Half http://www.slackerhalfmarathon.com/
Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC where she coaches all kinds of runners for $30 per month and gives marathon plans away for free. Click here to download her Marathon Selection Guide!