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running coach




MK Fleming is a run coach who understands we are never really talking about running. Here in the blog, she talks about where diet culture and running intersect and the pressures we face as parents, professionals, runners, and overachievers as we run through life, together.

What Not To Say

Multitasking is rarely efficient, so careful what you try to accomplish while running.

#WWCMKD: Hot Race Day Edition

Situation: Your race is tomorrow, and you’ve seen a ‘heat advisory’ notification from the weather app on your phone. WADOIDOO??? Please...

Troubleshooting your Heart Rate Monitor

This is an old (from 2010) article, but still fantastic.  Static electricity still happens, yo.

Holding on With Both Hands

So on January 5th I woke up SO EXCITED.  Time to be back on my normal schedule!!!!!  Got the kids dressed, threw them in the car, drove...

What are Accelerators?

Coach MK breaks down the running drill known as Strides or Accelerators for her runners

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